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Product key window blue x86bit? Serial key windows 8. Directx 8. Windows 8 ios download 32x86? We built Windows 8 to bring a modern computing experience to businesses and to help professionals stay connected to their colleagues and clients from anywhere, anytime. Below is a list of some of the new and updated features that we invite to you test out when the Windows 8. These are just some of the key features available in Windows 8. Please note that Windows Server R2 may be required in order for some of these features to be available.

Download What's New Specs. Microsoft Windows 8. Last updated:. June 27, User rating:. How to Install the Update Follow these steps to download Windows 8. Restart your PC when prompted, and then tap or click the message that appears to get the update from the Windows Store. In the Store, follow the instructions to download and complete the installation.

How to install Windows 8. If you're using Windows 8, follow these steps to install Windows 8. Double-tap or double-click the ISO file. Double-tap or double-click setup. Important: If you decide that you want to install Windows 8. Notes before you download: Windows 8. Search In Windows 8. Apps and Windows Store We will be improving all our built in apps that come with Windows 8 for Windows 8.

Cloud Connectivity In Windows 8. Internet Explorer Web browsing continues to be one of the most popular activities on any device. Better Mouse and Keyboard Options PCs today are evolving for a world of mobile computing where people interact with their devices through touch, and we designed Windows 8 for this.

What's New in Windows 8. If it was a member of the domain, the user could access corporate resources if permissioned and IT could control the PC through group policy and other mechanisms. This feature allows a middle ground between all or nothing access, allowing a user to work on the device of their choice and still have access to corporate resources With Workplace Join, IT administrators now have the ability to offer finer-grained control to corporate resources.

If a user registers their device, IT can grant some access while still enforcing some governance parameters on the device. Files created locally will sync back to the file server in the corporate environment. This syncing is natively integrated into the file system. Note, this all happens outside the firewall client sync support. Previously, Windows 8 devices needed to be domain joined or required domain credentials for access to file shares.

Syncing could be done with third-party folder replication apps. With Work Folders, Users can keep local copies of their work files on their devices, with automatic synchronization to your data center, and for access from other devices. Open MDM While many organizations have investments with System Center and will continue to leverage these investments we also know that many organizations want to manage certain classes of devices, like tablets and BYOD devices, as mobile devices.

With Windows 8. Mobile Device Management When a user enrolls their device, they are joining the device to the Windows Intune management service. They get access to the Company Portal which provides a consistent experience for access to their applications, data and to manage their own devices. This allows a deeper management experience with existing tools like Windows Intune. IT administrators now have deeper policy management for Windows RT devices, and can manage Windows 8.

Session Shadowing allows administrators to view and remotely control active user sessions in an RDSH server. Disk dedupe and storage tiering allow for lower cost storage options. User experience for RemoteApps, network connectivity and multiple displays has been improved.

Administrators can now easily support users with session desktops to provide helpdesk style support. Administrators now have even more flexible storage options to support a VDI environment without expensive SAN investments. End users will find RemoteApp behavior is more like local apps, and the experience in low-bandwidth is better, with faster reconnects and improved compression, and support for multiple monitors. No more hunting on your network for the correct printer and no need to buy a special printer to take advantage of this functionality.

Simply attach an NFC tag to your existing printers to enable this functionality. Native Miracast Wireless Display Present your work wirelessly with no connection cords needed; just pair with a Miracast-enabled projector via NFC and Miracast will use Wi-Fi to let you project wire-free.

We have also added the ability to have an app automatically trigger VPN connections. Mobile Broadband At Windows 8 launch, the devices had embedded radios that were separate components within the devices.

Broadband Tethering Turn your Windows 8. This feature will be available with Microsoft and third-party inbox VPN clients. Security Enhancements Remote Business Data Removal Corporations now have more control over corporate content which can be marked as corporate, encrypted, and then be wiped when the relationship between the corporation and user has ended. Corporate data can now be identified as corporate vs.

The client application determines if the wipe simply makes the data inaccessible or actually deletes it. Improved Biometrics All SKUs will include end to end biometric capabilities that enable authenticating with your biometric identity anywhere in Windows Windows sign-in, remote access, User Account Control, etc.

Modern readers are touch based rather than swipe and include liveliness detection that prevents spoofing e. It is enabled out of the box and can be configured with additional BitLocker protection and management capability on the Pro and Enterprise SKUs. Consumer devices are automatically encrypted and protected when using a Microsoft account. Data on any Windows connected standby device is automatically protected encrypted with device encryption.

Organizations that need to manage encryption can easily take add additional BitLocker protection options and manageability to these devices. Improved Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 11 improvements include faster page load times, side-by-side browsing of your sites, enhanced pinned site notifications, and app settings like favorites, tabs and settings sync across all your Windows 8. Internet Explorer will scan binary extensions e. ActiveX using the antimalware solution before potentially harmful code is executed.


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